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SALT ’Site Roundup

Welcome to our new monthly newsletter! In addition to the quarterly SALT Shaker, we will keep you informed on any additions to the SALT website, including newly added resources in the Dive Deeper library, traceability projects on the Seascape map, blogs in the Story Hub, and upcoming events on the Get Involved Calendar.

General Updates

New Traceability Principles are LIVE on our website! The principles are core ideas to keep in mind when starting or improving seafood traceability programs. There's also step-by-step guidance on how to apply the Principles. In case you missed it, watch SALT's webinar walking viewers through the process. 

SALT sponsored the World Ocean Summit and  SALT's Chief of Party also spoke in a session on how traceability technology benefits fisheries and their products as they move through the supply chain. You can listen to the live Q&A with the Environmental Defense Fund and The Economist. Of special note: Ted Danson, television personality and Oceana spokesperson,  followed Jenny's session and raised the stoke on transparency as the way to move forward!

FishWise released a media release about SALT launching the Principles and the Pathway to the Principles. You can also watch SALT's animation breaking down each of the six key themes.

We're glad to welcome Globalfood Networks to the SALT Seascape map of seafood traceability efforts. If you would like to see your organization featured, let us know!

Get Involved

Seas the Day

This newsletter is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of FishWise and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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